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Faculty & Staff

The faculty and staff at Saratoga Independent School are dedicated and passionate about teaching. They believe that how they teach is as important as what they teach. They are committed to creating a rigorous learning environment in which all students have the opportunity to succeed. Our teaching structure allows faculty to teach to their strengths and passions rather than teaching all subjects within a contained classroom. At Saratoga Independent School, we view all members of our faculty and staff as educators, and value and honor the connections adults make with students. Our commitment to theme-based learning, inspires teachers to collaborate as they help students forge connections across disciplines. In addition, as a team of teachers, faculty and staff communicate regularly to celebrate student successes and brainstorm ways to provide support when needed. This student-centered approach ensures that we meet the needs of students in our care each day.

We are always available to answer any questions that you have about Saratoga Independent School.  If you do have a specific question, please refer to the list below for the best staff member to assist you.
Robert Ahrens, Head of School
Bob can answer any general schoolwide and strategic plan questions, as well as board of directors interest. 

Betsy Boland, Director of Development
Betsy can answer any questions you may have for supporting the programs at SIS. Additionally, Betsy can assist with grants, gifts-in-kind, annual funds, and events supporting SIS.

Colleen Fortune, Director of Admissions & Financial Aid
Colleen can answer any questions regarding tours, enrollment, financial aid and anything else relating to admissions.

Jon Kluth, Director of Finance
Jon will be able to help you with any questions relating to finances, such as tuition, clubs, school lunches, etc.

Jen Kmen, School Nurse
Nurse Jen can answer any medical questions that you may have. For example, you may have questions about COVID, allergies, immunizations, medical forms, etc.

Juan Ocampo-Valle, Director of Business Operations
Juan can answer any questions about our campus, facility, technology, etc.

Jeny Randall, Director of Middle School
Jeny will be your first point of contact for families with students in Middle School. Jeny can answer questions about our teachers, curriculum, classroom activities, and student services.

Brooke Rouse, Coordinator of Communications and Marketing
Brooke can assist with questions about our website, school calendar, newsletters, and school publications. 

Shauna Swinimer, Director of Lower School
Shauna will be your first point of contact for families with students in PreK to 5th Grade. Shauna can answer questions about our teachers, curriculum, classroom activities, and student services.
  Name Title
Robert Ahrens Ahrens, Robert Head of School
Bruce Altimar Altimar, Bruce After Care Staff
Parent Association Association, Parent
Amanda Audette Audette, Amanda Fifth Grade Teacher
Chelsea Baratto Baratto, Chelsea Academic Support
Debra Barry Barry, Debra
Dave Blair Blair, Dave Maintenance and Grounds Manager
Betsy Boland Boland, Betsy Director of Development
Christy Bottomley Bottomley, Christy Kindergarten Teacher
Allison Brancato Brancato, Allison PreKindergarten Lead Teacher
Courtney Conway Conway, Courtney Kindergarten Teacher
Tracy Davis Davis, Tracy PreKindergarten Assistant
Catherine DiCara DiCara, Catherine Lower School Math Teacher
Jane DiMeglio DiMeglio, Jane After Care Director
Zachary DiMeglio DiMeglio, Zachary Music Teacher
Melissa Donovan Donovan, Melissa PreK Assistant
Colleen Fortune Fortune, Colleen Director of Admissions
Jayson Frankel Frankel, Jayson Physical Education/Health Teacher
Kyle Haviland Haviland, Kyle Chef
Kathleen Johansson Johansson, Kathleen Intermediate Teacher
Jon Kluth Kluth, Jon Director of Finance
Jennifer Kmen Kmen, Jennifer Nurse
Briana Kuruzovich Kuruzovich, Briana Lower School Spanish Teacher
Nicole Lencewicz Lencewicz, Nicole PreKindergarten Lead Teacher
Jessica Maranville Maranville, Jessica PreKindergarten Lead Teacher
Chelsea Merrill Merrill, Chelsea Literacy Specialist
Gabi Moore Moore, Gabi Art Teacher
Jane Morey Morey, Jane PreK Assistant
Rachel Morgan Morgan, Rachel Middle School Teacher
Juan Ocampo-Valle Ocampo-Valle, Juan Director of Business and Operations
Sarah Quereau Quereau, Sarah School Counselor
Jeny Randall Randall, Jeny Director of Middle School, Middle School Teacher
Brooke Rouse Rouse, Brooke Communications and Marketing Coordinator
Lynn Schonberg Schonberg, Lynn Middle School Teacher
DeAnna Seymour Seymour, DeAnna Primary Teacher
Jessica Steward Steward, Jessica Intermediate Teacher
Shauna Swinimer Swinimer, Shauna Director of Lower School
Kenzie Tennent Tennent, Kenzie Primary Teacher
Tammy Wagner Wagner, Tammy PreKindergarten Lead Teacher
Casey Walter Walter, Casey